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Loan Rates

  • Automobile Loans

    Automobile Loans
    Type Term (months) Rates as low as*
    New Vehicle - 2022 & 2023 72 6.49% APR*
    New Vehicle - 2022 & 2023 84 7.49% APR*
    Used Vehicles 72 6.74% APR*
    (2018-2020 & 2021 - less than $15K) 60 6.74% APR*
    (2016-2017) 48 6.74% APR*
    (2015 or older) 36 8.74% APR*
    *Actual rate may vary depending on credit history, loan term, and equity in vehicle. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Updated 10/01/2022
  • RV, Boat, Motorcycle, Personal Watercraft Loans

    RV, Boat, Motorcycle, Personal Watercraft Loans
    Type Term (months) Rates as low as*
    ATV 36 7.74% APR*
    Motorcycle 60 7.74% APR*
    New/Used Boat or RV ($25K or less) 60 7.49% APR*
    72 8.49% APR*
    84 9.49% APR*
    96 10.49% APR*
    120 11.49% APR*
    New/Used Boat or RV (over $25K) 60 7.99% APR*
    72 8.99% APR*
    84 9.99% APR*
    96 10.99% APR*
    120 11.99% APR*
    *Actual rate may vary depending on credit history, loan term, and equity in vehicle. APR = Annual Percentage Rate.
  • Home Equity Line of Credit

    Home Equity Line of Credit
    Type Variable Rate*
    75% Loan to Value 8.00% APR*
    85% Loan to Value 9.50% APR*
    *Home Equity Line of Credit's are variable based on the Wall Street Prime Index and may adjust quarterly. Floor rate is 4.00%. Rates quoted "as low as". Based on credit rating. Fees required to open a home equity loan will range from $160.00 - $450.00. APR = Annual Percentage Rate.
  • Personal Loans

    Personal Loans
    Type Term (months) Rates as low as*
    Signature Loan 60 14.74% APR*
    48 13.74% APR*
    36 12.74% APR*
    24 11.74% APR*
    12 10.74% APR*
    Overdraft Line of Credit 12.50% APR*
    Personal Line of Credit 13.50% APR*
    Certificate Secured Loans Certificate dividend rate plus 2.00%
    *Actual rate may vary depending on credit history. APR = Annual Percentage Rate.

    Rates updated 08/15/2023.

VISA® Cards

  • VISA® Platinum w/ Bonus Points

    VISA® Platinum w/ Bonus Points
    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases, Cash Advances, and Balance Transfers Beacon Score
    730 or more
    Beacon Score
    729 through 639
    Beacon Score
    638 or less
    12.50% 18.00% 18.00%
    Other APRs None
    Variable Rate Information Your APR may vary. The rate is determined monthly by adding 4% if your Beacon Score is 730 or more, 10% if your Beacon Score is 729 through 640, or 15% if your Beacon Score is 639 or less, to the Prime Rate **
    Grace Period for Repayment of Balances for Purchases 25 days
    Method of Computing the Balance for Purchases Average Daily Balance (including new purchases)
    Annual Fees None
    Minimum Finance Charge None
    Transaction Fee for Cash Advances 3% of the amount of advance (Minimum $10.00)
    Balance Transfer Fee None
    Late Payment Fee $25.00 (for past due amount of $30.00 or more)
    Return Payment Fee $25.00 (if check is $30.00 or more)
  • VISA® Platinum w/ Cash Back

    VISA® Platinum w/ Cash Back
    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases, Cash Advances, and Balance Transfers Beacon Score
    730 or more
    Beacon Score
    729 through 639
    Beacon Score
    638 or less
    16.50% 18.00% 18.00%
    Other APRs None
    Variable Rate Information Your APR may vary. The rate is determined monthly by adding 8% if your Beacon Score is ≥ 730, 11% if your Beacon Score is ≤729 and ≥ 639, or 16% if your Beacon Score is ≤ 638, to the Prime Rate**
    Grace Period for Repayment of Balances for Purchases 25 days
    Method of Computing the Balance for Purchases Average Daily Balance (including new purchases)
    Annual Fees None
    Minimum Finance Charge None
    Transaction Fee for Cash Advances 3% of the amount of advance (Minimum $10.00)
    Balance Transfer Fee None
    Late Payment Fee $25.00 (for past due amount of $30.00 or more)
    Return Payment Fee $25.00 (if check is $30.00 or more)
    **The Prime Rate used to determine your APR is the rate published in the Wall Street Journal the last day of the prior month. Our rate cap is 18.00%.

    The information about the costs of the card described in the disclosure is accurate as of March 2020.

    For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

    To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a Credit Card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Savings Rates

  • Share Accounts

    Share Accounts
    Account Min. Balance to Earn Dividends Dividend Rate APY**
    Regular Savings $250.00 0.05% 0.05%
    Holiday Club $250.00 0.05% 0.05%
    IRA Savings $250.00 0.10% 0.10%
    Money Market $1,000.00 - $20,000.00 1.83% 1.85%
    $20,001.00 - $75,000.00 1.88% 1.90%
    $75,001.00 and over 2.47% 2.50%
    HSA Savings $500.00 or less 0.10% 0.10%
    $501.00 - $1500.00 0.14% 0.15%
    $1501.00 - $2500.00 0.19% 0.20%
    $2501.00 and over 0.24% 0.25%
    Rates updated 09/01/2023. APR is Annual Percentage Rate and APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends are compounded daily and credited to your account monthly, with the exception of the Christmas Savings, which is credited annually. Minimum balance requirements apply to average daily balance (amount of principal in account each day). Savings account rates are variable, this means the dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Board of Directors. Fees may reduce earnings.

    This schedule is incorporated as a part of your account agreement with Ohio HealthCare Federal Credit Union.


  • Regular Certificates

    Regular Certificates
    Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY**
    3 Month $500.00 2.47% 2.50%
    6 Month $500.00 4.41% 4.50%
    12 Month $500.00 4.16% 4.50%
    18 Month $500.00 3.92% 4.00%
    24 Month $500.00 3.92% 4.00%
    36 Month $500.00 3.68% 3.75%
    48 Month $500.00 3.44% 3.50%
    60 Month $500.00 3.19% 3.25%
  • CU Save Club Share Certificates

    Regular Certificates
    Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY**
    24 Month $250.00 3.92% 4.00%
  • Regular Certificates
    Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY**
    3 Month $5,000.00 2.47% 2.50%
    6 Month $5,000.00 2.57% 2.60%
    12 Month $5,000.00 2.91% 2.95%
    18 Month $5,000.00 3.00% 3.05%
    24 Month $5,000.00 3.10% 3.15%
    36 Month $5,000.00 3.19% 3.25%
    48 Month $5,000.00 3.29% 3.35%
    60 Month $5,000.00 3.48% 3.55%
  • IRA Share Certificates

    IRA Share Certificates
    Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY**
    12 Month $250.00 4.16% 4.25%
    18 Month $250.00 3.92% 4.00%
    24 Month $250.00 3.92% 4.00%
    36 Month $250.00 3.68% 3.75%
    48 Month $250.00 3.44% 3.50%
    60 Month $250.00 3.19% 3.25%
    Rates updated 09/01/2023. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Certificate rates remain fixed for the term of the certificate. Unless otherwise indicated, dividends will be compounded daily and credited to your account monthly. A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity. Rates are subject to change. Fees may reduce earnings.

    This schedule is incorporated as a part of your account agreement with Ohio HealthCare Federal Credit Union.